team Roster

Riley Johnson

St Cloud, MN
Club Team
Circle City Rollers
May 21, 1997
World Cup experience

College: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Occupation: Manufacturing Engineer at Alexandria Industries

Years Playing: Since 2004

Career Highlights:

2013 U18 US National Team

2016 Premier Cup MVP

2019 Premier Cup Champion

2019 Premier Cup Golden Guard

2019 Americas Cup Champion


Riley has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. He works as a Manufacturing Engineer at Alexandria Industries. Riley enjoys watching stand-up comedy, listening to music, and working on his 3D printer.

“Last time around, I said that it would be an honor to play alongside the best players in the world. It continues to be an honor. Very few get this opportunity and because of that, I don't take this lightly. I know that my teammates don't either, and that makes the experience all the more motivating.”


We are a 100% volunteer organization. We rely on corporate and individual contributions for travel expenses and pay for tournament fees. We are a recognized 501(c)3 organization and all gifts are 100% tax deductible. Your donations make a difference!