team Roster

Andrew Chauppetta

Brockton, MA
Club Team
PRHC Chariots
June 9, 1995
World Cup experience

College: 2014 high school graduate with a design and visual communications trade

Occupation: Website designer at Wheelchair Strong Foundation, Co-founder of Twinteeshirts

Years Playing: Since 2010

Career Highlights:

2016 Presidents Cup Champion

2019 in the Champions Cup Runner- up


Andrew started playing power soccer 10 years ago when a friend told him about this adaptive sport. He quickly fell in love with the sport. With hard work and dedication, he became an elite power soccer player.  USA Andrew made it his goal to make the U.S National Team. Andrew was diagnosed at birth with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy alongside his twin brother Troy who’s also on the U.S. National Team. He graduated high school with a trade in design and visual communications and works for the Wheelchair Strong Foundation and owns a T-shirt brand called Twinteeshirts.

“Playing for Team USA is a huge honor to me because I’ve been working so hard to get to this elite level for a long time. Now I get to represent the Red, White, and Blue, and play alongside the best players in the world.”


We are a 100% volunteer organization. We rely on corporate and individual contributions for travel expenses and pay for tournament fees. We are a recognized 501(c)3 organization and all gifts are 100% tax deductible. Your donations make a difference!